Workshop, Meeting decide.....
Men's Shed
The Men's Stour is a great place to socialise, share and learn skills. We are open Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 10:00am to 3:00pm.
The facility is located in the Old Transport Garages in the car park across from the main Community Connections Centre, and allows for men and women to come together and use or update their woodworking skills in a relaxed, informal, and friendly atmosphere. The shed is fully equipped and has all the tools you’ll need to produce the best quality wooden products including woodturning lathes, electric saws, drills, clamps, hand tools and of course, raw wooden materials. Many of the products created by the guys can be found on sale at various outlets such as “Bright Blooms Florists” in Shaftesbury and the “Twice But Nice” charity shop here at the centre. So far, the guys at the Men’s Shed have created hedgehog houses, bug hotels, candle stick holders, doll’s houses and props for theatre production.
If you are interested in joining the group, you will be very welcome to come along and use any of our facilities. You do not need to be referred, and there is no charge to use these facilities. Why not arrange to come and visit and see over the facilities for yourself?
To arrange, phone us on 01258 471359 or email George on: or Tim on: and we will arrange for you to be shown around the premises.
I'm a women and I love it at mens shed. I have made great friends and learnt so much. Its done wonders for my confidence and helped my mental health 💖
Do you need to be a man to join? Very interested in learning woodworking skills!
It's a fantastic place to be.
Lots of coffee tea cake and biscuits.
We have just purchased and Axminster Trade bandsaw.
We are now a complete operational workshop.
See you there.
Cheers for now.